歐盟執委會提議全面檢修漁業管理系統歐盟執委會為了養成(foster)遵守漁業規定的文化與為歐洲漁民創造一個公平的作業平台,提議全面(root-and-branch )檢修(overhaul)歐盟漁業管理澎湖民宿系統。此改革應保障人數不斷攀升的消費者所購買的魚為合法捕獲,與不危及歐洲海洋生態為前提讓消費者安心食用。執委會指出管控與執行面仍舊是會員國的主要職責,並期望能確保會員G2000國能在合法的架構下運作,並獲得歐洲方面必要的行政支援。充分運用現代化資訊技術的規定需更簡單明瞭與成本效益兼具,並建立由捕撈至餐桌(from net to plate)整個供給鏈之管控標準seo。 (摘譯自Infofish Trade News,3 February 2009 )EUROPEAN COMMISSION PROPOSES OVERHAUL OF FISHERIES CONTROLSYSTEMThe European Commission has proposed a 太平洋房屋root-and-branch overhaul of the system dealingwith fisheries controls in the EU. This is to foster a culture of compliance with fisheries rulesand create a level 賣房子playing field for Europe’s fishermen. The reforms should also reassure thegrowing number of consumers who want to know whether the fish they buy has been 結婚caughtlegally and that by eating it they will not be making the situation worse for Europe’s marineenvironment.While the primary responsibility for control and 酒店打工enforcement lies with the Member States, theCommission wishes to ensure that they operate within the best possible legal framework, andreceive the administrative 裝潢support they need at European level. Rules need to be both simplerand more comprehensive, and more cost-efficient. Full use should be made of moderninformation 西服technologies. Control standards should be established for the whole supply chainfrom net to plate.

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